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Peak Guardian stupidity, and climate science funding has not been reached yet.

"Scientists are attempting to discover if Cornish cod moving north with climate change will be able to understand the accents of their Scouse counterparts.

Experts believe the fish, which make sounds with their swim bladders to attract mates, may have regional accents – and if males cannot “chat up” females who speak a different dialect it could threaten their ability to breed."

I think it is more likely that Guardian reporters are unable to understand what they are reporting on and why.

Oct 5, 2016 at 1:30 PM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie

Today's You and Yours includes :

- Has the VW emissions scandal had an effect on the sale and value of diesel cars? We examine the latest data.
It's the anniversary of the 5p carrier bag charge in England

- The burkini ban in France meant some Muslim tourists had a difficult year holidaying there*, but it hasn't stopped the growth of holiday resorts catering for Islamic tourists in the country. Our reporter, Jon Laurenson, reports from a resort in Angers. (Freundian slip ?)
* In a SJW fantasy universe... I doubt it's true in reality... A lot of Muslims don't bother with special clothes, of the otheters I've seen plenty of Muslims jumping in the sea fully clothed

Oct 5, 2016 at 10:54 AM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

@Pcar "how do you "happen to pass by" when it's 2/3 way up a dead end street?"
# 1 I'd be walking up to the youth hostel, where I stayed on many Wednesdays
#2 If you are in the high part of town at the Fort then that small street the Church is a short cut back to the shopping area.
..Food is not free if you put a donation in the box ..just inside the church door.

I'd make a rule that no able bodied Briton could attend a UK university without having worked and paid 1 years income tax. University is wasted on 18 years olds.

Oct 5, 2016 at 10:48 AM | Registered Commenterstewgreen


Thanks for link, downloaded show. I guessed it was 06:00 Breakfast 04/10/2016 or 09:00 David Burns 04/10/2016. Show and time saved me fast forwarding through 6 hours!

Farming today: farmer could also have said "Well before the EU Eastward expansion we used a great scheme called UK Student workers who had a special tax code and were paid without tax deducted. We had some great people who all spoke English, so we want something like that again" paraphrase

Rod Liddle: I particularly liked Annabelle Snowflake - almost an anagram of ....

Re: that Church - how do you "happen to pass by" when it's 2/3 way up a dead end street? Free coffee and food*? ;)

Anyway, thank you for helping in the garden and with coffee mornings. Have you been up the high stepladders to replace a lectern/pulpit lamp or on roof yet?

btw: photo with DH ("The Master" minister) & Margaret T was taken by me using his APS film camera which he had set to panoramic.

*Saturday, free food and free economics talks in London
UK Science after Brexit, 12.30pm to 1pm
Professor Jane Rodgers
Warwick Lightfoot - chairman
Tim Worstall - Adam Smith Institute

Oct 5, 2016 at 1:46 AM | Registered CommenterPcar

@Pcar that radio show is here I set the link to #playt=2h53m cos that is where that fish restaurant interview is at
BTW (It's Haddock, Cod and Hake that is marked by MSC as sustainable for Norwegian customers, whereas in the UK they say that only Haddock is sustainable to customers)
- Wind back to 2:25 for the vox pop which sems genuine ..cos one guy says "no I'm not bothered if the fish has a certificate or not"
- I guess RHumbs don't rig the vox pops as much as R4Today do.

You maybe interested in Tuesday's Farming today when the Beeboid was also caught out by the public saying the "wrong" thing.
Presenter "where will you be getting your seasonal workers after Brexit ?"
Farmer "Well before the EU, there was great scheme called SAWS. We had some great people from all over the world. It was all properly controlled 6 months visas, so we want something like that again" paraphrase

That church : I just happened to pass a couple of times when it is the Wednesday morning coffee , cakes and chat so I've met a few of the oldies ..and helped to put the tables away or put them out, wash up etc.

Oct 5, 2016 at 12:48 AM | Registered Commenterstewgreen


I didn't notice if they had the camera on....The great and good of the IET should try finding videos on their own web site - and thereby be shamed into sorting it out a bit :-)

There's another chance : Penrhyn 29th Nov

This pdf covers some of the same ground

What is notable about some of the discussions is the presence of lawyers digging up and inventing things that only they - at considerable cost to the taxpayer - can sort out. Large "consultancies" swimming like crocodiles too....

Oct 4, 2016 at 10:57 PM | Registered Commentertomo


Lecture :Small Modular Reactors
Tuesday 4th October 2016 @ 6:30 PM, Bath University

If you find a link to video of the event, please post.


Oct 4, 2016 at 10:36 PM | Registered CommenterPcar


Today Radio Humberside did that with the MSC "Suistainable fishing certificate"
They made a free video advert for the NGO on their Facebook page

No audio, only subtitles of the BBC approved line.

Do you have a link to audio enabled clip or source Radio show?

Rod Liddle's video, thanks, hadn't seen that before. Hilarious and sadly an accurate portrayal of the remoaners.


Accepted - moist cool air can be more cooling than dry cold air.

English Church in Funchal is very ecumenical/secular as it is also a hub for UK/English-speaking expats eg RC flower arranger who does not attend most services. Also Protestant visitors - Swedish Church Christmas service etc.

Oct 4, 2016 at 10:33 PM | Registered CommenterPcar

Lecture :Small Modular Reactors
Tuesday 4th October 2016 @ 6:30 PM
Bath University

Speaker: John Earp (ex CEGB + nuclear engineer - past president The Nuclear Institute)

Glad I went.

Perhaps predictably Mr. Earp reckoned that Hinckley C MWh strike price was "good value"

There are a raft of SMRs (defined as smaller than 300MW) that are being considered - Rolls Royce have been pricked into action, Thorium is joining the field. A test site has been pretty much allocated. The throttle-ability of SMRs was a prominent selling feature - but shock.... nobody provides figures... (anybody out there know any?)

One gets the feeling that behind the scenes some stark arithmetic and political risk analysis has been done by informed grownups about power provision in the UK (DECC got some mention) .

That said - the ghost of Sir Humphrey Appleby still haunts the corridors of power - and the UK nuclear industry has more than its fair share of clueless quangocrats and then there's The Environment Agency...

Unless some finger pulling out happens we will be buying American or Chinese. The French have done a good job with the cost of nuclear power - but at the moment (for lefty political reasons... ?) they aren't to be seen out much in the SMR field....

Oct 4, 2016 at 10:15 PM | Registered Commentertomo

We are all quick to like Green/lefty dogma, cos it provides easy correct truths..And we can quickly Virtue Signal
That's why when BBC staff get a press release from Green orgs they quickly turn it into a free advert for the green org.

Today Radio Humberside did that with the MSC "Suistainable fishing certificate"
They made a free video advert for the NGO on their Facebook page

But came unstuck when they did a live report from the only Fish and Chip shop in our area, with the certificate.
Instead of taking advantage the owner rubbished it.
He pointed out that if his shop was in Norway Haddock, Cod and Mackerel are all on the sustainable list
..whereas here in the UK he's getting his fish from the same North Sea, but the MSC scheme marks only Haddock as sustainable and has plans to add the other 2 fish in 3 years time.
and ended "Roll on leaving the EU and getting all that nonsesnse all sorted out"
..."back to the studio" said the young beeboid.

Oct 4, 2016 at 5:15 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

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