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stewgreen 8:08 PM

I'm pretty sure that some liquid lunches, expensive dinners, sample copy and guidance notes are related to a rash of stories reporting this in the last 10 days. Briefings have happened.....

As I linked a couple of days back The Environment Agency is ramping up its BS machine for the yuuge TE2100 project to build some sea defenses east up the Thames Estuary. Billions is at stake and the corrupt crony consultancies have been churning EA directed + obfuscated justification for several years and crony contractors are drooling at the prospect of the EA with this big a budget on a single scheme. Mega money going in - corrupt middlemen will rake off - the Dutch and Belgians will do the job at a rate that ensures their silence. In this matter my crystal ball is fully functional and correctly tuned.

The EA are NOT KEEN AT ALL on *any* scrutiny of this project - but they need to create a climate of panic / urgency to misdirect from the detail justification - years of skiving , expenses and jobs for the boys depend on it - you can be certain of that.

@Mark Hodgson
fwiw I tried the BBC's own web search to see if the BBC had anything about protests in Athens during Obamah's visit - their own "echo chamber" came up with nothing - I tried to archive the predictably empty results of the search but was blocked by the BBC's server. Google was a bit better.... More symptoms of dementia?

Nov 19, 2016 at 9:15 PM | Registered Commentertomo


If only 3% of the UK and US population had not been intimidated by the ruthless arrogance of climate science, and the draconian politics that resulted, the UK would not be heading for Brexit, and Trump would not be heading for the White House.
One alternative to that scenario is that, if only so many had not been intimidated by such ruthless arrogance, in general, the majority in both scenarios would have been even larger.

You really should look at the links I have provided; they encapsulate so much that most of us on this site fear/are angry about (delete as applicable).

Nov 19, 2016 at 8:58 PM | Registered CommenterRadical Rodent

Mark Hodgson

The BBC? it becomes clearer by the day that the present crew see no reason to change direction or even bother to defend / hide their fibbing and bias by omission - they get no interference from the "Yes Minister" crowd as long as they dutifully run the occasional errand.

The exaggeration, the contrived narratives, the monumental presumption, the patronising / sneering etc., etc,

I really would like it to work as described on the tin - the contents are barely recognisable from the label.

If it's Auntie - then she has advanced and terminal dementia

Nov 19, 2016 at 8:53 PM | Registered Commentertomo

Ross Lea, it is the marketing of battery cars that is wrong. For most people, most of the time, they are adequate and fit for purpose. So why aren't most people driving them?

The joy and pleasure of owning any car is rapidly tarnished in the event of mechanical failure, ie won't start, or breakdown en route. A car with a range of 50 miles can only get you from A to B and back to A, if B is only 25 miles from A. Even then, it may not get you back again very fast, or up a hill, and if you do it every day, and the range reduces to 45 miles, you are stuffed. Only the rich can afford an expensive car with a limited range, and still have a car with an internal combustion engine for driving outside of their toy's comfort zone.

Buses are intended for urban use, and would be ideal for batteries, but the required power pack would be too big and heavy. That was what trams were originally designed for. They were phased out, but have been making a come-back. It was not a lack of suitable technology that caused the recent fatal tram crash.

Nov 19, 2016 at 8:40 PM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie

C4 prog began "Our coast is NOW at risk from sea level rise, storm surges and coastal erosion, so we need to document now"
... What as if all that hadn't also been going on for the billion years before the Industrial Revolution well

Nov 19, 2016 at 8:08 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

"I've taken to watching Al Jazeera and RT"
and the BBC shouts back at you "very naughty ! They are FAKE news channels !"
But you might recognise
"BBC shouting Fake-news" = "BBC desperately using its power to demean rivals"

Apparently on his "good riddance tour Obama keeps getting booed, but BBC seems unable to broadcast that.

Nov 19, 2016 at 7:59 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen


I'm getting tired of the BBC propaganda, which is even more remorseless than before, in the aftermath of Brexit and Trump's victory. I've taken to watching Al Jazeera and RT, not for the truth (they're just as bad as the BBC) but for an alternative version of events, and to find out the stuff the BBC doesn't tell us.

Today, for instance, the BBC reported the booing of Mike Pence, and had a lot of stuff on about how concerned Pacific states are about the possibility of Trump not proceeding with the Pacific Trade Agreement, but nothing at all about Obama being booed in Greece and in Lima (where people are protesting AGAINST the Pacific free trade agreement Obama is advocating).

I just want the BBC to report the news, openly and impartially (without spin and their editorial viewpoint), and in full, without declining to tell me the bits they don't think I should know about.

Nov 19, 2016 at 7:36 PM | Unregistered CommenterMark Hodgson

Although my main push is for hydrogen fuel cells as the future to transport. I must say for urban transport e.g. buses, taxies and cars electricity makes a lot sense as they use no power when stationary which they will be for much of the time. I have always been appalled standing on the pavement alongside buses pouring out soot.

Nov 19, 2016 at 6:03 PM | Unregistered CommenterRoss Lea

Michael Hart

"you could spend an eternity doing that, because the world is full of far more people to disagree with than just the KKK. And every time you do it, your political opponents will find something else you "must" repudiate. This is frequently done in the "Do you still beat your wife?" fashion of questioning."

Don't I know it posting here.

Nov 19, 2016 at 5:56 PM | Unregistered CommenterACK

Here are some very interesting takes on fake news and post-truth. Whether you like them or their message, it is very refreshing to see views like this getting into the public domain.

Nov 19, 2016 at 5:25 PM | Registered CommenterRadical Rodent

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