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cell phone location data accuracy is variable and dependent on several factors - but it can be scarily accurate and rubbish over a period of minutes. My experience with Google maps tracking is that it is more than adequate most times to decide where a phone is for practical purposes.

As I said I'd expect a challenge like this to deliberately drag the "opposition" into a dispute and to argue the minutiae. There are viable examples given in the Denver Post for people with legitimate reason to visit multiple drop boxes or drop multiple ballots - but a competent data miner should be able to ID and filter them out (who are they, where do they live and work) - data mining is a legally murky business. I wouldn't expect the identities of operatives to be revealed until a crescendo of incensed people has really got going.

This is a very high stakes and serious business - the hints that Mexican gangsters are somehow involved gives the matter a lethal aspect too.

If it spins out - so does DJT - finished / kaput and the shame would be yuge... Could even be a reverse ferret by the spooks to wreck Trump! - his judgement hasn't been consistently reliable (i.e. Dr. Fauci)

Let's see eh?

May 11, 2022 at 9:57 AM | Registered Commentertomo

search for

May 11, 2022 at 9:38 AM | Unregistered CommenterTinyCO2

TinyCO2 - if you could post some links - that would be appreciated.

It seems to be very high stakes poker - or something.

I've seen geolocation mashed with advertising meta data and a couple of other wrinkles to ID and track people (two German politicians in the example I saw) quite trivially. I feel that if 2000 mules researchers are serious they will have far more info on their targets than they let on - well into the legal grey zone and they should be able to produce examples in jurisdictions that are not likely to attack them on legal grounds - and attacks are to be expected with some dodgy data stewardship / archiving issues already having been seen wrt to voting. The quantity of non working cameras is one thing I'd like to see addressed - an issue I personally have experienced recently.

The two main USA parties use public / commercial data and both have been tinkering with elections.

Visiting dozens of ballot drops in the small hours - that's going to take more than "I was running errands for grandma" .

This looks like a tiered ambush - and if it turns out to be a nothingburger - Trump's political future vanishes in a flash.

- no pressure then.

May 11, 2022 at 9:24 AM | Registered Commentertomo

The Denver post and other news papers have some decent explanations of the 2000 Mules features. A main point would be that the film makers don't prove which party these supposed ballot stuffers might have stuffed for. But the paper makes a good case that most if not all of the incidents were likely coincidental or legitimate eg one family member posting ballots for the others.

May 11, 2022 at 9:07 AM | Unregistered CommenterTinyCO2


thanks for the link - as the reviewer says there hasn't been much effective pushback yet. I'd go for a staged reveal when there's an audience been built - Google search metrics were at just at 60 million hits so it's fair to say I feel that they effectively got people's attention. If they crash and burn - that's DJT out of 2024 for absolute certain.

May 11, 2022 at 8:45 AM | Registered Commentertomo

Robert, homeopathy has a specific meaning, regardless of how it has been used by lots of people. It's confused with herbal medicine, traditional medicine, anecdotal cures etc. It starts with the medieval idea of like causes like. So if you have a rash, you treat it with something that causes a rash eg nettles. Then that substance is diluted so many times that there are likely no molecules of the original substance left in each dose. The water supposedly remembers the substance and then tells the body how not to suffer from the symptom.

Lots of things are diluted to turn them from something toxic into something useful. That doesn't make it homeopathy.

May 11, 2022 at 8:26 AM | Unregistered CommenterTinyCO2

Dinesh DeSouza the 2000Mules producer is a fairly well known political activist - the reviewer insinuates that TrueTheVote are partisan without actually giving much evidence himself . Gamers to my mind are usually pretty cheap folk (apart from daft video cards) - I find it really weird that I found three free streams of the movie near instantly over the weekend and have been using one without issue for three days at what must be quite high demand period and he doesn't treat his subscribers to a freebie! - all gamers love swag.

re : Homeopathy - yup - gingivitis mouthwash vs some medical hand cleaners!

As I mentioned earlier the trajectory of statins through the US legislative process is quite a tale.... $$$$

May 11, 2022 at 3:07 AM | Registered Commentertomo

If you make extraordinary claims you need extraordinary evidence.

The absence of one individual filmed at multiple drop boxes on the same night is a flaw? - or is it a feature? True The Vote need this to run over numerous news cycles and create pressure in the court of public opinion - and I feel they need to pressure the perps - somebody drove that snail trail and likely by now they're wondering if the knock on the door is coming.

It would be foolish in the extreme to set out the entire case at the get-go. There are enough asides / sly hints in the carefully crafted and edited film itself to have the alert people wondering where they lead.... I think there might well be some traps set to draw in the quibblers like the narrator and get initial reaction to the exposed lures - this is definitely a big game of cat and mouse - and if the claims stack up there's some really big beasts the background.

In terms of a political play - this is too early I feel to be a play for the mid-terms unless the intent is to have a clear out of the tepid Republicans... Both the main parties indulge in this sort of shit.

True The Vote know who these mules are, they know their homes and workplaces.

Millions of invalid ballots in circulation is an open goal, drop boxes like that doubly so - one intent of the film is to create distrust based on those two clear undisputed opportunities.

The documentary is absolutely not behind a paywall and hasn't been down for 72 hours - free to view - not that that is actually advertised - it's about the only thing where I might be able to agree with Mr Upper Echelon Gamer - the makers of the film and True The Vote need funds - 10 Petabytes of phone information is $$$ and I suspect they don't trust big tech to use cloud services -so more $$$.

Since Upper Echelon Gamer has 500,000 keyboard warriors subscribing who I'd guess could usefully use a bit of real world experience and likely contains more than its fair share of obsessives - letting them loose on that data strikes me as a really rather grand idea.

Privacy concerns need to be addressed though... - and I feel that's where many of the shortcomings of 2000 Mules are springing from. It seems likely that the film-makers have had to tread extremely carefully and have a pretty serious legal team. They have already been accused of invading privacy.

nothingburger vs. dam breaking - TBD

The clear intent is to ratchet up pressure on the purported lower level organisers at their local locations and do a drive by on the bad practices like vote harvesting from care homes and cemeteries.

May 11, 2022 at 2:43 AM | Unregistered Commentertomo

Bonus link. Listened to the Health Report this morning and this story on the cost of treating macular degeneration was pertinent, with big pharma charging a fortune for variant homoeopathy. I.e. charging much more for an MD drug than a colon cancer drug when the MD drug is really just a well diluted form of the cancer drug.

Another interesting remark was that the pharma lobby is the most cashed-up lobbyist in the USA, larger than (IIRC) the next 5 largest lobbyists combined and paying to the tune of $400,000 per US senator.

Seems the USA might have the best government money can buy, but we probably shouldn't sell our own governments short.

If it's any consolation, Dr Heyworth did have something nice to say about NICE.

May 11, 2022 at 1:31 AM | Unregistered CommenterRobert Swan


Instead of watching 2000 Mules yesterday evening, I watched this review which seemed pretty even-handed. Admittedly it tended to "confirm my priors". Suggested that a large edifice was built on pretty thin evidence. Certainly, when I first saw that phone-track going from drop-box to drop-box I thought "Well, that's the path the guy collecting the ballots is going to follow". Like the reviewer, I'm not saying that there wasn't fraud, but if I were a movie maker and had compelling evidence of voter fraud, I'd be making a movie of my efforts to get the authorities to investigate.

That piece at Paul Homewood's on the Global Green Transition includes one of my trigger words: reimagine. Always conjures the idea of moving from one impossible dream to the next.

The video on the MoD's new doctrine of the psychosis of whiteness was impressive. These days we're usually told to be sympathetic towards people suffering from mental illness, but I gather that those suffering from this "white psychosis" can be treated in the traditional pillory.

I'm not sure a general like Monash would be successful today: unlikely to get to that rank in the first place, but if he did, unlikely to be obeyed. On a slightly related note, I think prime ministers have similarly degraded over time. E.g. WWI Aussie PM Billy Hughes made things plain to Woodrow Wilson:

When Wilson reminded him that he spoke for only a few million people, Hughes replied: "I speak for 60,000 dead. How many do you speak for?"
Today, he'd probably get cancelled for that.

May 10, 2022 at 11:58 PM | Unregistered CommenterRobert Swan

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