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The question of arson is more complicated. The firefighters are authorised to light fires since it's an established way of fighting fire. Occasionally such a deliberately lit fire gets away from them. Indeed this happened just a few days ago not too far away from me, the resultant fire is the largest one around and several houses have been lost to it. Arson?

But some people have been charged with arson who (at least say they) were lighting the fire for the same reasons the firefighters do -- and it got away from them. If true, is it that much different to the previous example?

There are real arsonists too, of course. Just registering that it's not a simple case of goodies and baddies.

But whatever sin this oversimplification might be, it is not anything like as bad as blaming the fires on climate change.

I've seen about 30 summers in this house in the Blue Mountains, and this has been a pretty cool summer so far. Haven't had the aircon on at all. There have only been two properly hot days (high 30s/low 40s) and they cooled off nicely in the evenings. Swimming pool is about 2C cooler than in previous years (I log its temperature on the 1st of each month). Not much of a warming signal to be seen in any of that.

What it has been is dry, and that's the bigger influence on fire. It's not the driest season I've seen, but it's certainly towards that end. Sydney tends towards wet summers which can make Christmas a bit of a damp squib (there's light mizzle today btw), so this year's dryness is not the norm, but it's not that rare either.

One first I have seen this year is lots of blackened leaves in my yard. It was only a couple of days ago I finally saw where they were coming from. Sitting on the back balcony having a pre-dinner beer, there were these little black specks fluttering down as the air cooled and the breeze died down. The leaves had been sent thousands of feet into the air by flames miles away and were now falling back to earth. Hadn't seen (or at least noticed) this happening in previous years. But in two earlier years I have seen the still-burning embers carried directly on the wind from a nearby fire. Rather more worrying.

Anyhow, as far as I'm concerned, while I'd like it to be a little wetter and a little warmer, we're well within the normal range. The only extreme is the reporting.

Merry Christmas to the usual suspects (and to Alan too :-)

Dec 24, 2019 at 9:11 PM | Unregistered CommenterRobert Swan

"Are vegetables vegan? The man taking aim at animal products in organic farming
Even if you avoid industrial farm produce it’s likely that your veggies will have been grown with the help of manure and other animal products"

[Maybe it's just me, but I feel increasingly disconnected from these people].

Dec 24, 2019 at 8:30 PM | Unregistered CommenterMark Hodgson

Australian Firefighters warned that large fires were inevitable unless scrub was cleared, so Green Blob politicians decided it should not be done

"March 5, 2019

Melissa Price, the new federal Environment Minister, has done untold political damage to a government already divided over climate action by spouting idiotic green propaganda about Victoria’s bushfires.

On Tuesday, she linked the fires to climate change, claiming there is “no doubt” of its impact on Australia.

“There’s no doubt that there’s many people who have suffered over this summer. We talk about the Victorian bushfires … There’s no doubt that climate change is having an impact on us. There’s no denying that.”

Sorry, minister, it wasn’t climate change that caused the latest bushfires which have so far destroyed nine homes in Victoria, and it wasn’t climate change that killed almost 200 people in the Black Saturday fires ten years ago.

The real culprit is green ideology which opposes the necessary hazard reduction of fuel loads in national parks and which prevents landholders from clearing vegetation around their homes."

Dec 24, 2019 at 5:26 PM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie
Dec 24, 2019 at 11:23 AM | Unregistered CommenterMark Hodgson

Story made up by:
"David Hambling is a freelance journalist and author based in South London, specialising mainly in science, technology and strange phenomena. He has also made some forays into fiction: his latest book, Shadows from Norwood, is a collection of HP Lovecraft-inspired horror stories set in and around SE19"

Dec 24, 2019 at 11:54 AM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie

h/t to Paul Homewood; the truth about Australia's wildfires.

I hope the Australian PM get a copy .

Dec 24, 2019 at 11:38 AM | Unregistered CommenterRoss Lea

"Weatherwatch: reindeer adapted to snow but not climate change
Animal thrives in cold, snowy conditions, but freeze-thaw pattern threatens grazing"

Dec 24, 2019 at 11:23 AM | Unregistered CommenterMark Hodgson

For those that like going on holiday to Spain for fish and chips breakfasts with a pint of beer:
"Spain has joined Poland in becoming the second country this week to claim it could ditch the EU, amid growing fury at the power that Brussels holds over member-states. Spain’s third biggest party Vox is under huge pressure to back the Spanish version of the Brexit referendum, following growing fury at an ECJ ruling this week. Vox’s own party president lambasted the EU, claiming when the ECJ overruled Spanish courts, it had humiliated the country and its sovereignty. "

Dec 24, 2019 at 10:27 AM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie

Dec 24, 2019 at 8:13 AM Mark Hodgson

The Green Blob blame fires on Global Warming without evidence.
It is of course possible that some of the arsonists have been motivated by the Green Blob.
Generating headlines with dramatic video footage is all the Green Blob can do, as Climate Science has failed to provide evidence.

Dec 24, 2019 at 8:24 AM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie

Politico is at it too - no mention of arsonists in this alarmist piece either:

"Can Macron douse Australia’s fires?
As the country burns and chokes, its leaders fail to act on climate change."

Dec 24, 2019 at 8:13 AM | Unregistered CommenterMark Hodgson

"How is Australia tackling climate change?
By Jack Goodman
BBC Reality Check"

[BBC implicitly links bushfires and climate change again; no mention of arsonists:]

"The Australian government is facing criticism over its climate policies as the country deals with devastating bushfires and a historic heatwave.

It has contributed to the long-running debate about the country's approach to climate change. So what is it doing to reduce carbon emissions?

Australia is one of the world's biggest per capita greenhouse gas emitters.

Under the Paris Climate Agreement, created to tackle rising temperatures, Australia set a target of a 26-28% reduction in emissions compared with 2005 levels by 2030.

These goals have been criticised for being too low, and last year the United Nations (UN) reported that Australia was not on track.

The UN found that: "There has been no improvement in Australia's climate policy since 2017 and emission levels for 2030 are projected to be well above the target."

About half of the G20 countries (those with the biggest economies), including Australia, are falling short.

...Scientists round the world are looking aghast at the politics of climate change in Australia.

It's one of the most vulnerable countries on the planet to rising temperatures, yet there is still denial about the impacts of rising CO2 levels on events like the current wildfires.

There is no serious doubt among scientific institutions that rising global temperatures are leading to record heat.

The heatwaves are driven by a natural phenomenon but they are adding to an already over-heated planet.

In the election, the victorious Liberal (conservative) Party categorised climate change as a metropolitan fad for urban professionals, and gained support for the world's biggest coal mine.

Coal is the dirtiest fuel and scientists say we shouldn't be building more coal-fired power stations if we want to stabilise the climate."

"How Greta Thunberg inspired a pantomime"

"Greta Thunberg may be a player on the world's political stage but the Swedish teenager has also inspired an environmentally-themed pantomime in Poole, Dorset.

The show was created by former Blue Peter presenter Peter Duncan and also boasts a gas-guzzling giant made from recycled lilos and plastic bottles."

[Greta has indeed inspired a pantomime, but not the one referred to in this article...].

Dec 24, 2019 at 8:05 AM | Unregistered CommenterMark Hodgson

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