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Discussion > Why Do Climate Scientists Believe That There's a Debate To Be Had


It's not "triumph" I feel, but relief - relief that the discussion now seems to be in a place where evidence and methods can at least be sensibly discussed.

Only a month ago Nigel Lawson was on the radio saying things like "even if there is any warming", and before that we've had Doug Keenan's articles on statistical significance (or otherwise) of observed warming (which completely misses the point as statistician William Briggs has repeatedly said), and Rog Tallbloke telling us the world's going into a cooling phase - not to mention the occasional person who still seems to question the greenhouse effect itself.

Also, you say:

Richard actually said that he'd been told when preparing the SPM for AR5 that the scientists would have the last word, which only goes to show what an incredibly nice and innocent person he is.

Not exactly - I said that I'd been told by colleagues who were involved in preparing the WG1 SPM that the scientists did have the last word.

This is direct first-hand accounts from people I've worked with for years. Maybe you think they are actually lying to me? Where do you get your alternative information - is it from someone else who was present at the WG1 AR5 SPM meeting? If there is conflicting information coming out of that meeting then we really need to sort it out. (I remain happy to accept the word of my colleagues until presented with evidence that contradicts them).

John Shade:

Thank you for that quote from Richard Betts, Richard Drake (5:30 AM).

I think you've misunderstood Richard Drake's post, as the quote gives at Mar 8, 2014, 5:30 AM was not from me. It was somebody else talking to Monty. Check the quotation marks - it seems Monty (whoever they are) may have said they are a 'climate scientist, like Richard Betts'. Amazing how easily misunderstandings can occur, take root without being questioned, and feed suspicions...

Mar 10, 2014 at 1:14 AM | Registered CommenterRichard Betts

Richard: You're quite right that I didn't quote you but I did link to your initial response on the L&C thread. That is what I took John to mean. You are also right 'how easily misunderstandings can occur, take root without being questioned, and feed suspicions'. For avoidance of doubt, when I began with "I have suspicious moments these days" I wasn't including you in those about whom I had those suspicions! It was the voluble pairing of Monty (whoever they are) and TBYJ more or less taking over the thread and in my estimation taking it well off course compared to where you, JJ and certain trusty nyms like Spence_UK would have done that bothered me. Not of course that you would have agreed on everything but I felt sure more light would have been shed and in a much shorter space.

Mar 10, 2014 at 1:24 AM | Registered CommenterRichard Drake

Richard Betts, are you still seriously claiming that scientists have the "last word" on the Summary for Policymakers?

I urge you to think for a few minutes before you answer that question. Bear in mind, I'll be in touch with Donna Laframboise and Bernie Lewin, who have both meticulously documented the process, if you continue to support that assertion.

Mar 10, 2014 at 2:01 AM | Registered Commenterjohanna

Richard Betts “relief that the discussion now seems to be in a place where evidence and methods can at least be sensibly discussed.”

And prey tell us when and with whom this discussion will take place? Hint, a discussion is not where you lecture someone for an hour under Chatham House rules and then assume they’ll meekly go away and do as they’re told.

Mar 10, 2014 at 2:30 AM | Unregistered CommenterTinyCO2

Whoops, in my 1:24 AM post I'm wrong and Richard is right. Apologies for replying in haste late at night and thus increasing misunderstanding. This time with links.

John Shade at 11:57 AM on 8th misread my post at 5:30 AM the same day when he wrote:

Thank you for that quote from Richard Betts, Richard Drake (5:30 AM). The essence for me is this assertion:

>> "years ago, many (perhaps most?) vocal 'skeptics' were outright denying everything, denying there is a temperature rise, denying CO2 emissions, denying it was anthro, etc etc."

Words like caricature, parody, travesty, agitprop, and delusion come to mind. His portrayal of the people climate alarm campaigners chose to call 'sceptics' (with some subsequent regret since they came to realise that it was a compliment in some respects) is so far from my observations and experience that I gasp at the gap.

Strong words about the quoted passage, but it was not by Richard Betts, but by TBYJ. I had not made this sufficiently clear to John by introducing it thus:

I thought it was very ill-advised for the person in question to say this to Monty, self-styled 'climate scientist, like Richard Betts':

The 'person in question' was TBYJ. Let's run that reaction one more time:

Words like caricature, parody, travesty, agitprop, and delusion come to mind. His portrayal of the people climate alarm campaigners chose to call 'sceptics' (with some subsequent regret since they came to realise that it was a compliment in some respects) is so far from my observations and experience that I gasp at the gap.

It was also a self-serving account, ending as it did "I hope I've done my bit here by convincing a few people that the earlier extreme positions are not scientifically tenable." Was I alone in detecting a trace of vanity there? Surely not.

Apologies to Richard Betts, in any event, for not spotting the wrong attribution before. Whatever else Richard is to blame for the words of TBYJ are not one of them. I agree with geronimo in fact that much of what Richard puts down here 'only goes to show what an incredibly nice and innocent person he is'. But that just lands me in more hot water no doubt!

Mar 10, 2014 at 6:51 AM | Registered CommenterRichard Drake

I owe both of the Richards an apology. I am sorry that I misread RD's earlier comment, but I am most particularly sorry that I traduced RB by wrongly attributing such views to him. As he generously notes above at 1:14 AM, such misunderstandings can all too readily happen. I apologise wholeheartedly for this one. I reacted too quickly and wrote too quickly. I can even recall being jolted by what I had read - thinking surely, surely he doesn't really think that. I should have listened to that and double-checked before leaping on to my high horse. I am a great admirer of both Richards for their contributions to this site, and I feel bad that I have caused this disfraction for them and others.

Mar 10, 2014 at 7:54 AM | Registered CommenterJohn Shade

Mar 10, 2014 at 6:51 AM | Richard Drake

My view is that as long as Climate hasn't gone outside historical extremes then its not changing, only varying within its normal boundaries. I think Entropic Man* has tacitly agreed to this, although he can correct me if this impression is incorrect. Therefore the Climate hasn't changed, so I suppose that makes me, along with being your socketpuppet and a Brain Dead Adult One Show (occasional) viewer something of a lost cause as CO2 agnostic.

* My understanding is that Entropic man thinks that the real signs are about to show themselves and kick us agnostic in the bum.

Mar 10, 2014 at 8:00 AM | Unregistered CommenterSandyS

Mar 10, 2014 at 1:14 AM | Richard Betts

Only a month ago Nigel Lawson was on the radio saying things like "even if there is any warming," [next snippet and following snipped -hro]

Oh, my! What a handy-dandy snippet you've found to misquote and sorta sneer at, Richard, in order to build your "case". I do know from past experiences [Dec 9, 2012 at 2:10 AM] that your presumptions, perceptions and précis often lack ...well ... precision. I've also noticed that context has not always appeared to be a high priority of yours. This misquoted snippet, alas, is no exception.

For the record, here's the context (and the correct quote):

Nigel Lawson: - flood defences, sea defences - that's what we want to focus on.

Justin Webb: Can I just put this to you though: if there is a chance - and some people would say there is a strong chance - that global warming, man-made global warming, exists and is having an impact on us, doesn't it make sense, whether or not you believe that that is a 95% chance or a 50% chance or whatever, does it not make sense to take care to try to avoid the kind of emissions that may be contributing to it? I mean, what could be wrong with doing that?

Nigel Lawson: Everything. The - first of all, even if there is warming - and there's been no recorded warming over the past 15, 16, 17 years -

Justin Webb: Well, that's - oh yeah, there is a lot of controversy about that.

Nigel Lawson: No, there's not - that's a fact. It's accepted even by the IPCC. No measured warming -

Justin Webb: No, no measured warming , but... Well, all right -

Nigel Lawson: No measured warming, exactly, well, that's -

Justin Webb: We'll get back to that.

Nigel Lawson: - measurements are actually not unimportant. The - but what - even if there is some problem, it is not able to affect any of the dangers, except marginally. What we want to do is to focus on dealing with the problems that there are, with climate - which there are, with drought and floods, and so on. These have happened in the past - they're not new. And as for emissions, this country is responsible for less than 2% of global emissions. Even if we cut our emissions to zero - which would put us back to the, sort of, pre-Industrial Revolution, and the poverty that that [inaudible] - even if we reduced and did that, it would be outweighed by the amount of the Chinese, China's emissions' increase, in a single year. So it is absolutely crazy, this policy - [emphasis added -hro]

My thanks, again, to Alex Cull for his awesome transcripts, in one of which the above context (and correct quote) can be found.

Mar 10, 2014 at 9:49 AM | Registered CommenterHilary Ostrov

You need to cut Betts, some slack, Hilary. Why, after years of involvement with the IPCC, and exposure to plenty of information via books, blogs, etc - he apparently still doesn't comprehend how the Summary for Policymakers is put together!

Perhaps he is an idiot savant.


Mar 10, 2014 at 12:13 PM | Registered Commenterjohanna

Hmm.. colour me seriously unimpressed by that. I'd been hunting for the source and context of Richard's quote of Lawson. It didn't seem quite right to me. Now I understand why.

Mar 10, 2014 at 1:01 PM | Registered CommenterSimon Hopkinson

Simon: Me too. Thank you very much for this Hilary (and Alex).

Mar 10, 2014 at 2:03 PM | Registered CommenterRichard Drake

Entropic, the scientists that have been chosen to give the advice to the politicians are not conveying the uncertainties adequately. Or if they are, they are doing it in a language the politician doesn't understand. This may be because politicians want black and white answers, and will 'not see' uncertainties if presented to them and just keep asking different scientists until they get one who is willing to nail their colours to the mast adequately. In effect, alarmist scientists have been selected in a Darwin fashion to weed out the ones who give proper uncertainty.

Personally, I'm not worried about them splashing the cash on renewables and other things that may turn out not to have been required. Some on here are very worried about it, but I don't believe in catastrophism - whether climate catastrophism or economic catastrophism.

Windmills and solar and tidal are all tech to me, and I like money being spent on tech and it can't always be justified on a cost-benefit basis in the early days - we'd never now build railways and roads and bridges and airports if it all had to be done on a narrow cost-benefit viewpoint. These aspirational things pay themselves back eventually - even if in unexpected ways.

Mar 10, 2014 at 2:06 PM | Unregistered CommenterTheBigYinJames

Richard Drake's tiny campaign d'état against me is amusing to watch.

Mar 10, 2014 at 2:10 PM | Unregistered CommenterTheBigYinJames

TBY etc said:

"Personally, I'm not worried about them splashing the cash on renewables and other things that may turn out not to have been required."

Well if it was your cash, that's OK. Unfortunately it is cash extracted by force of law from everybody. To suggest that it is just fine to forcibly extract money from the populace to be "splashed" around just in case something works out strikes me as bizarre, to put it as diplomatically as possible.

Mar 10, 2014 at 2:42 PM | Registered Commenterjohanna

Johanna, I can only be concerned with the little bit of my money they choose to throw around. I'm as entitled to be unconcerned with my contribution as you are to be concerned about yours. I realise that "economic suicide" is the popular mythology of this side of the fence, but I don't share it.

Mar 10, 2014 at 2:59 PM | Unregistered CommenterTheBigYinJames

Hi Richard, I have outlined my issues about your triumphalism/relief above. I simply can't see what you need to talk to any sceptical scientist to take things further. You've won the day hands down. Sceptics are banned from the BBC and pretty much all of the MSM. The environmentalists have pretty much got their way throughout the western industrial societies, and only want more, so you're not going to be allowed to tone down the panic forecasts in any way. Don't believe me? Try it?

Apologies for not quoting you correctly on the IPCC SPM issu. You seem to have the wrong end of the stick though I didn't imply that the bureaucrats didn't say the scientists had the last word, they almost certainly did. But they didn't mean it. Scientists will not be allowed to put out anything but an alarmist message under the auspices of the IPCC, Not a snow ball's chance in hell. I know academia has its own cesspit of intrigue and backstabbing, but although they may not know TCS from ECS, or positive feedback from negative feedback, they will run rings around the scientists when it comes to getting what they want from the SPM. That's the point I was making. It surely wasn't scientists who thought saying that they were 95% certain that most of the warming of the 20th century was caused by humans would add anything to the scientific story. That's got to have been put in by a bureaucrat, surely?

One thing that has come out of all this for me is that perhaps you guys need to go back to the drawing board on you exercises in "Communicating the Science." I have long since come to the conclusion that you believe that the sceptics don't understand what your saying and if you could only rephrase it better they would come around to your way of thinking. It is clear to me, and now many others, that you don't really know what the sceptical position is.

What if they understand perfectly what you're telling them, but just don't buy it? (Which is my position, it would be pretty hard not to know what the climate scientists are thinking). As a rule of thumb if you want to communicate you'll be more successful in a dialogue, if you could try to understand exactly what the sceptical positions are - and there are a few I'll admit. You could start by looking at climategate and noting the clisci community reaction. 1700 of you signing a letter deploring the "attack on science" when the real attack on science was within the scientific community and not a peep out of any of you. That's one thing you need to address.

My own position is pretty straightforward, I don't know if humans are causing most of the warming, they may be, or they might not, but it's not important. What is important is whether the warming will be catastrophic. You can tell your getting bilked if something is solely good, or solely bad. The news from the scientific community is that warming will have no beneficial side effects whatsoever, it's all droughts, downpourings, excessive heat, crop failure, famine, wars and rumours of wars. Not one upside for warming. Come on.

Can the climate science community really tell us what the weather's going to be like in 50 years time? No, there's a higher probability of building a computer to pick lottery winners than there is to forecast climatic change. If there wasn't Richard and his mates would be sipping pina colados on their yacht in the med.

Can we do anything about it and stop CO2 emissions? Not in any practical time scale, if ever.

There's more, but my point is good communication starts with a dialogue, not didactic outpourings from the high priests of climate change.

Mar 10, 2014 at 3:15 PM | Unregistered Commentergeronimo

TBYJ: "I realise that "economic suicide" is the popular mythology of this side of the fence, but I don't share it."

Neither would I if there weren't plans afoot do just that. The whole sweep of history shows that people who have a plan and the determination to follow it through can impose their minority views on the rest of us, usually as tyrants once they've got the upper hand. Christianity and Communism come to mind.

There are people out there who make no secret that they want to stop economic growth. The global warming scare is the godsend they couldn't have hoped for. Economic growth is why you and I have the technology and time to blog. So there's no harm in being vigilant.

Mar 10, 2014 at 3:25 PM | Unregistered Commentergeronimo

TBYJ: As I said two days ago whatever my suspicions I attempt to play the ball, not the man. Did you have an answer to my critique of your original words, which so unimpressed John Shade when he thought they were written by Richard Betts? Or are you going to continue to pretend that personal animosity is a good enough reason not to answer? Because it really isn't, is it? If you really disliked me and saw a way to answer that would make me appear less convincing you would. I take it then you have no answer and you know my criticism was fair. "Drake's here, time to bail" wasn't the bravest gambit we've seen on Bishop Hill but hey, your reputation slips off this little nym the moment you abandon it for another. Respect. Or not, as the case may be.

Mar 10, 2014 at 3:32 PM | Registered CommenterRichard Drake

Geronimo, I wasn't advocating you or anyone else should share my view. I'm glad there are people getting upset about this stuff, it keeps the control-freaks in check if they know they are being watched. I too get upset about calls for human-rights style laws about preventing people being on television if they have a certain unorthodox view etc. These are very dangerous things.

All I was saying is that in my own personal Pascals Wager about the money being spent on renewables, I'd rather the govermentt wasted the money doing that technology-related thing than wasting it other things, such as foreign wars, stupid tax-programmes, investing in failed banks etc. Governments will waste money - that's what they do. if they have to waste it on something, then tech is not a bad place, since it usually pays itself back in the long term.

Mar 10, 2014 at 3:34 PM | Unregistered CommenterTheBigYinJames

Oh Drake, get over yourself and stop derailing every thread with your interminable puff-prose.

Mar 10, 2014 at 3:35 PM | Unregistered CommenterTheBigYinJames

Ad hom, ad hom, ad hom. Sorry to repeat myself but it's all you have.

Mar 10, 2014 at 3:44 PM | Registered CommenterRichard Drake

You're not at all sorry, Richard. You love it. I expect you'll mention Lindzen in a moment, to get your search engine score up a bit more. At some point, you collect enough name-drops to earn your wings in heaven or something. You desperately want someone to notice you. Please Dr Lindzen, notice me!

So lets follow your link and see what you are wittering on about now.... aha....several days ago, I air a suspicion that you may be running sockpuppets, and your measured response, presumably after several days cogitating, plotting and fuming is to....accuse me of running sockpuppets. That's an impressive tactic.

Nobody here ever agrees with me Richard, that's the laughable thing. You've inserted your little accusation right in the middle of a thread where both Johanna and geronimo are vehemently disagreeing with me. I am receiving no support here from anyone. And it has always been the case here that I have ploughed my own furrow and received fire from all sides for it a lot of the time. I am the person here who needs sockpuppets the LEAST, I've never needed a coterie here, and never had one. I realise a needy publicity-seeker might find this concept surreal.

There was something else about John Shade getting annoyed with something I wrote, and attributing it to Richard Betts, or some such nonsense. No idea what it has to do with me - I neither solicited John Shade's comment, nor take responsibility for his cock-up with the attribution. Further, I had stopped reading the thread by then. I don't care if John Shade doesn't like what I read - unlike you I say what I think and don't do it for the effect of impressing celebrities.

Now, Richard, if I have dealt with your whiny nonsense to at least my satisfaction, can you please get over yourself, keep to the topic of this thread, desist from any more Drakeollution - stop back-referencing your own posts as if they mean something, and just STFU? Even if I say please? Pretty please?

Mar 10, 2014 at 3:58 PM | Unregistered CommenterTheBigYinJames

TBYJ: For the record I'm not disagreeing with you vehemently and have dome reservations about my own position, because it's a logical non-sequitur to tell Richard he can't foretell the future and then go ahead and predict it myself. I agree with you on the tech spend stuff, but maybe better spent looking into thorium reactors. Whatever is being said I'm not disagreeing vehemently for sure.

Mar 10, 2014 at 4:19 PM | Unregistered Commentergeronimo

Thanks Geronimo. I have disagreed with just about everybody here at some point, and now Chandra calls me a warmist :)

Mar 10, 2014 at 4:50 PM | Unregistered CommenterTheBigYinJames


Thanks for the correction. In quoting Nigel Lawson see I incorrectly inserted an extra word, "any", making it an inaccurate quote.

In my post at Mar 10, 2014 at 1:14 AM, my second sentence should have said:

Only a month ago Nigel Lawson was on the radio saying things like "even if there is warming"….

(without the "any").

Mar 10, 2014 at 4:56 PM | Registered CommenterRichard Betts