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Discussion > FLOP26 Ep9 with Alex Epstein (Tuesday)

Talk 9 ​Alex Epstein aired on Tuesday 9th Nov
Direct link to start at minute 5

Comments are in brackets are my words or commenters from the livestream.

@AlexEpstein : Philosopher + energy expert
Author, NYT bestseller The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels
and Fossil Future
Founder, Center for Industrial Progress

Nov 10, 2021 at 12:44 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

"You may have seen him in action last week,(on @GBNEWS) summing up John Gummer Lod Deben , and speaking for us all"
WarmUp video #1
“That guy (Lord Deben) is a total fraud….a charlatan……ignorant…”

The GBnews interviewer DarrenMccaffrey (ex BBC) closed with a quip about Alex stating increased life expectancy in Russia.
A complete misquote. Alex remarked that the big fossil fuel users, China and India were having soaring life expectancies..
Alex tweeted the graphs

I see DarrenMccaffrey has suspended his @DarrenGBnews account
as if he was getting flak from either alarmists or skeptics
He is still using his @DarrenMccaffrey account

Nov 10, 2021 at 12:46 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

Warmup video #2
In the FLOP26 video ..the Obama audio was off
But right after the talk Tucker Carlson asked Alex about a different part of Obama's COP26 speech

Tucker "ah vote Democrat or you will DIE" "That's a 99% scientists consensus"
2.5 min video

Obama showed he isn't about CO2 saving, cos he didn't mention nuclear
He's saying "my private plane is saving the planet, by getting policies that stop YOU flying coach class"

Here's the other part Ben mentioned ..2 min video with sound on
The full transcript

More than 700 cities in more than 50 countries have pledged to cut their emissions in half by the end of the decade and reach net zero by 2050.

About a third of the global banking sector has agreed to align their work with the Paris Agreement, ​so that's meaningful

Now back in the US of course some of our progress stalled when my successor decided to unilaterally pull out of the Paris Agreement in his first year in office i wasn't real happy about that
and yet the determination of our state and local governments along with the regulations and investment that my administration had already put in place allowed our country to keep moving forward
despite hostility from the White House

The 90 billion dollar investment that we made in 2009 helped to jumpstart the clean energy industry in the US
And markets adapted and so did consumers
Aand even when the Trump administration rolled back emissions requirements for automakers along with regulatory changes and efficiency standards many businesses chose to stay the course they kept reducing emissions
They continued the transition to electric vehicles and energy-saving appliances the ball had been rolling and it didn't stop

So the people voted for Trump, but Obama brags he beat democracy using state and city level POLICIES

Nov 10, 2021 at 1:08 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

Alex Epstein just did a good analogy
Climate Doomsters are like true anti-vaxxers

Both are stuck in narrow mindedness
Just like true anti-vaxxers focus on the 1 in million negatives
... and ignore the actual 999,999 who get big positives
Climate Doomsters focus only on theoretical doom scenarios in the future
... and ignore the vast positives TODAY of fossil fuels

Nov 10, 2021 at 1:28 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

Slide #0 BenPile : 2002 report claimed 150K/year are killed by CC
that was from extrapolating a theory that each degree of temp rise increase diseases like malaria
(That's BS cos warming should cause less winter deaths)
Anyways those third world deaths have fallen at the same time as temp has supposed to have risen
Fossil fuels have helped that fall !

#1 Alex new book Fossil Fuel Future
Being a Green mean ELIMINATING human influence on the Earth
(that's the NATURE FALLACY)
Note how Greens oppose nuclear and hydro, cos they say nature mst be left alone
That is anti human and therefore evil

#2 GBnews clip Alex responds to Lord Deben's PR
Epstein “That guy (Lord Deben) is a total fraud….a charlatan……ignorant…”

(​That GB reporter sneers like a weasel "but ALL the scientists say")

(@SG ​sorry I won't PAY, if skeptics don't get a SAY )

#3 Slide" Climate change will effect us for a century, not just 2 years like Covid
(That's PR hyperbole to make it seem huge, actually natural CC is ALWAYS ongoing)

#4 Slide : Kenyan woman "..your decisions will decide Kenya"
..truth is Kenya is doing OK by official stats

​(@SG : Framing everything as EXTREME Catastrophe , rather than actual numbers is common PR trick )

#5 BBC rich countries pushing back on Climate reparations
..That's a weird moral trap
So FF made us better, they outweigh climate negatives
Discouraging Third World from using FF is an evil thing
We shouldn't give "climate welfare" to dictators

Delicate nuture is the assumption
but the reality is DDD overcoming nature
and that depends on fossil fuel

Assumption is more CO2 is ONLY bad
Actually the rich world needs to stay rich, to help the poor
BeP says secure energy is a foundation

#6 Environmentalism vs Humanism
Alex "My focus is humanism"
I don't have bias against manmade stuff
It is good to get rid of the malaria
Greens say MIMINISE human impact cos it's intrinsically evil
that is anti-human
Is in inherently to impact climate
So these people have no undestanding of reality

If humans are productive for the planet, that's good

#7 An island with plastic cups is a better environment

(​Alex's broader view, is really making the Guardian bubbleworld look very bad
​The media have held us back by only airing the Green bubbleworld )

(@UC : ​The environmental/political classes definitely give out a vibe of people are a problem. even self hatred - anti-human)
(@SG : humans did some great bad ..we made species extinct )

#8 BeP Why don't scientists shout Boris/Obama are wrong ?
Cherrypicking designated expert scientists, is wrong
cos they drive things they are not experts in
eg on energy M Mann getts a big say

Alex says denying benefits of Fossil Fuels = new Holocaust

#9 "Climate Emegency" chant is making people lose objectivity ?
Gives people an excuse to take more power

(The "​Climate Emegency" chant is making people lose objectivity
they think they are saving humanity from Hell )

(​It seems to me that we have Marxist ideology from protest groups,
and a neo-feudal ideology from governments who benefit from the actions of the former, thanks to MSM and the institutions.)

#10 BBC Mongolia video "Toxic Cocktail is climate change"
That is a false conflation
And Sure there is a lot of dirty burning there and you can point at some air pollution deaths there but in fact Mongolia child mortality is way down

(zero people in the UK die with pollution as the MAIN death cause on the death certificates)
(BTW ​Green policy is often anti nature eg building massive areas of wind/solar "farms" etc.)
(BBC/MSM do scare stories cos they sell well)

#11 Good times were when earth was warmer

#12 COP26 ​= Mass murder
Since fossil fuels save lives, if you suppress them, you kill people

#13 Energy prices come on the poor
but it's like they don't matter

#14 Fearmongering especially on children
makes people obedient
Greta thinks today is HELL
compared to 50 years ago
.. but actually life is much better

#15 What tactics should the anti-Green employ ?
We are pro-human
So be consciously pro-human

Nov 10, 2021 at 1:33 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

Wednesday Talk :
The Decline in Journalism with David Rose, Andrew L, Rob Lylons

No show on Thursday ... there will be an extra show later

Nov 10, 2021 at 1:34 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen


Nov 15, 2021 at 9:47 AM | Registered Commenterstewgreen