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Discussion > President Trump

Clipe & tomo

I presume that "Lying to the FBI" is a convenient charge to hold someone on, whilst more specific allegations are investigated?

Trying to gag the entire US Government Administration must have irritated quite a lot of people. It also suggests that Wolfe believes his arse is the most worthy of protection, and he doesn't want to risk it in prison, especially if he can threaten to put someone else's there instead.

As he is accused of Lying to the FBI, the FBI should ask him to name the individuals he wanted to silence, and why.

Jul 29, 2018 at 9:36 PM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie


by some accounts there is a rank and file feeling that the executives, particularly at the FBI and DoJ have overstepped the mark - albeit egged on by a bent administration who'd emplaced partisan actors and set them a script.

The spook angle is altogether more tangled - but the cesspit of "dossiers", Uranium One and Libyan gold etc., etc. still stinks to the heavens...

We are now seeing some individual officials hauled up for being compromised by foreign governments. Those investigating and prosecuting need to feel safe to do their jobs - in my view that wasn't the case in the first year of the DJT administration but things are changing.

Jul 29, 2018 at 10:45 PM | Registered Commentertomo

Clipe & tomo

I presume that "Lying to the FBI" is a convenient charge to hold someone on, whilst more specific allegations are investigated?

Or a delaying tactic with an eye to the mid-terms. HaHa!

NYT probably knows what is really going on.

Jul 29, 2018 at 10:50 PM | Unregistered Commenterclipe


if the NYT BJ lady had a copy of the unredacted FISA application - wouldn't that be like erm... a felonious antic?

Jul 29, 2018 at 11:23 PM | Registered Commentertomo


felonious and fellational.

Jul 29, 2018 at 11:39 PM | Unregistered Commenterclipe

hmmmm.... DJT tweet today

Is Robert Mueller ever going to release his conflicts of interest with respect to President Trump, including the fact that we had a very nasty & contentious business relationship, I turned him down to head the FBI (one day before appointment as S.C.) & Comey is his close friend..

Is that the gloves coming off?

Jul 30, 2018 at 1:13 AM | Registered Commentertomo

Clipe & tomo

Presumably neither Wolfe nor Watkins can be charged with lying with each other, or is that one of the things Wolfe lied to the FBI about, after they obtained Watkins records about how she pumped her sources?

Jul 30, 2018 at 1:31 AM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie


bit of a diverting side show really the NYT BJ thing - a confirmation of partisan manipulation more than anything. Taking down obstructive officials looks to be slowly happening and clearing a route to Podestas, Clinton crew and maybe even more still seems possible. I wonder at the lack of coverage of the disappearance of Libyan gold reserves.....

Jul 30, 2018 at 1:46 AM | Registered Commentertomo

tomo, it would be a diverting sideshow, but the pattern of information dissemination exceeds the patterns on Monica's dress.

How many special relationships did Wolfe and Watkins have, that did not involve each other?

If the FBI have blow by blow accounts from Watkin's records, why is Wolfe going to legal extremes to get others within the Government Administration to keep their mouths shut?

Libyan gold reserves are CURRENTLY a separate issue, but who has them now, and was that a motive for regime change? If so, it represents (one of?) the most murderous bank raids ever, and the casualty list keeps growing.

For a Political PR Wheeler Dealer Hatchet Man, JOHN Podesta is keeping a very low profile at the moment. It is about time he was charged with lying, even if by omission.

Jul 30, 2018 at 8:43 AM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie


it rather looks like the left + media + swampers are loosing their grip on multiple stories and scrabbling to maintain some decorum or start some diversionary stuff.


Jul 30, 2018 at 10:24 AM | Registered Commentertomo

There may be a time bomb waiting to be detonated against the prosecution when the defense presents its case. Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit features the opinion of Judge Andrew Napolitano of Fox News, pointing out that the DOJ already passed on its chance to prosecute Manafort on these same charges and that this creates opportunity for the defense.

"Here's the Transcript via Bizzy Blog:"

ANDREW NAPOLITANO: Here's Manafort's defense: I was investigated for all this by the government eight years ago, and I was exonerated. And I'm going to put on the stand as my first witness the young lawyer who exonerated me.

You know who that young lawyer is? Rod Rosenstein.


NAPOLITANO: Yes! So this is going to be quite a show if they succeed in getting Rosenstein, who now runs the Justice Department —

DOOCY: So why was I innocent then and guilty now?

NAPOLITANO: There you go.

That's correct!
Manafort was "exonerated" by federal prosecutors led by Rod Rosenstein.

Aug 3, 2018 at 2:15 AM | Unregistered Commenterclipe

When Downing asked him why he wouldn't say "embezzlement," Gates replied: "What difference does it make." Sounds familiar, doesn't it.

The Latest: Judge questions Manafort's attention to finances

Aug 8, 2018 at 2:29 AM | Unregistered Commenterclipe

The comment by Judge T.S. Ellis III came Tuesday as Gates testified about Manafort's knowledge about his political consulting firm shifting money among offshore accounts.

Gates said Manafort "was pretty good about knowing where the money is." That prompted Ellis to note that Manafort was unaware that Gates had embezzled hundreds of thousands of dollars, possibly millions, from Manafort's firm.

Ellis said Manafort didn't monitor that money "that closely."

Aug 8, 2018 at 2:45 AM | Unregistered Commenterclipe

Christopher Steele's liaisons slowly getting revealed - not that you'd know from UK press reports....

Aug 8, 2018 at 7:55 PM | Registered Commentertomo

More smoke from the wheels of the Trump collusion wagon

Aug 9, 2018 at 9:36 AM | Registered Commentertomo

Movie Release

The Magnitsky Act

relevant to the Trump collusion "investigation"

Aug 11, 2018 at 7:01 PM | Registered Commentertomo

HMG are going to draw a veil of secrecy around the activities of their current and former Secret Squirrels, in the interests of National Security etc.

When it comes to Christopher Steele, National Embarrassment comes into play. Could his abilities have been compromised by corrupting foreign influences whilst on the Government's payroll?

Aug 12, 2018 at 9:16 AM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie



I don't think that even a burqa will cover it up. A lot of the relevant stuff is public stateside and even DJT is now namechecking Chris Steele .... - and other SIS assets are getting more frequent coverage as their entanglement in the scheme gets further exposed. Dan Bongino details quite a bit of it and it's getting to the stage where it seems likely he'll do a "Brit special" podcast.

A man called Intrepid eh? - there's a whirring noise coming from a burial ground somewhere.

Aug 12, 2018 at 10:54 AM | Registered Commentertomo

tomo, I share your cynicism. HMG can't Burqover Steele, or hush him up, if Trump's DoJ consider he is concealing info about Obama's DoJ. HMG are in a Lose/Lose situation.

Even if HMG would prefer him in Witness Protection rather than the Witness Box or Dock, he would still have to confirm a lot of information.

HMG considered Steele a top man on Russia and Putin, and he was involved as a source in the FIFA Corruption investigation

Aug 12, 2018 at 10:41 PM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie

Exposed: the Deep State's Authorship and Publication of the Dossier

The Internet is full of information, some of it not well researched or considered, but every now and then a star appears on the horizon. To my mind the new star is Yaacov Apelbaum, who, using his considerable technical skills, has produced a masterpiece of well-documented analysis underscoring the nonsensical and partisan nature of the Mueller operation. He compares this effort by the anti-Trumpers to the plot line of the Dreyfus affair, where falsified evidence and suppressed evidence led to Captain Alfred Dreyfus’s conviction for treason.

Aug 12, 2018 at 10:44 PM | Unregistered Commenterclipe

tomo & Clipe, it is worth reading this Guardian article from Nov 2017. If Steele believed only 70 - 90% of his dodgy dossier WAS true, does he want to reassess now, and why is The Guardian reporting the back stories as fact, "according to a new book"?

Steele is a liability to his employers, past and present, as a failed "political hit" man.

"Christopher Steele, the former British intelligence officer who compiled an explosive dossier of allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin, believes it to be 70% to 90% accurate, according to a new book on the covert Russian intervention in the 2016 US election."

Aug 13, 2018 at 12:07 PM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie
Aug 14, 2018 at 12:02 AM | Unregistered Commenterclipe