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Hide the incline

The Royal Society has issued a new guide called A Short Guide to Climate Science, the latest in a long series of publications, beginning with Bob Ward's magnum opus, Facts and Fictions About Climate Change, that attempt to guide the public away from any awkward questions on the subject of global warming. It's a slim tome - just 8 pages long - but the Royal has managed to pack a great deal of public relations effort into it.

As one would expect, there is barely a caveat in sight, with the credibility of the models not mentioned at all and all kinds of tricks on display. For example, the "2000s were warmer than 1990s" line is dusted off and given an airing once again, as if this somehow contradicted the pause. The rise in Antarctic sea ice is tiptoed round in brilliant fashion, with an insinuation that scientists understand why their models are wrong in this area. I was also amused to see the dry areas becoming drier thing being aired again. I thought this had been thoroughly debunked?

So, as expected, it's a lot to do with PR and not a lot do with science. Perhaps unsurprisingly the authorship is a bit of a mystery.

The whole thing is accompanied by a slick video on YouTube.

I particularly enjoyed the sea-level graph starting at 1960 so that the viewers can't see that such rises have been seen for as long as we have records. I think we could call this technique "hide the incline".

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Reader Comments (57)

Pub bores are usually easy to avoid. But many of them actually have a good grasp of some arcane subject.
In contrast, arrogant champagne-socialists who insist in thrusting Socialist Worker under your nose, often have only a weak grasp of socialism in theory or practice. And are usually completely clueless about work.

Dec 11, 2014 at 11:06 PM | Unregistered CommenterMartin Brumby

Has anyone ever seen a climate change bore, do anything, useful, or productive for anyone,? They just want tax payer funded pay cheques, for obstructing anything and everything. What would they do without tax payer funding? Could we survive without them?

Dec 11, 2014 at 11:39 PM | Unregistered CommenterGolf Charlie

Hmmm ... I wonder if the Queen can be petitioned to withdraw the royal endorsement (i.e. "Royal") from the society.

Dec 12, 2014 at 1:27 AM | Unregistered CommenterJohn McLean

In some ways the warmists, including the RS, have already lost the (original) argument, which was that "we must do something" about "carbon" otherwise there will be a "global warming catastrophe" at some suitable far off date. Now the warmists appear to be admitting that there actually won't be a globally engulfing catastrophe, but isolated little catastrophes dotted around the planet, a bit like recent UK flooding. The mantra is now "an increase of extreme weather events".

Warmists, like the RS and BBC, will never admit they were wrong, they will just re-define their propaganda on the hoof. The main problem is politicians have adopted the new terminology but have not understood the change of direction. The consequence is the UK government is still vainly spending many £billions to "reduce carbon", when the more sensible policy would be to spend an odd £billion mitigating the effects of the very rare "extreme weather events".

Dec 12, 2014 at 12:24 PM | Unregistered CommenterBudgie

Should be titled 'The Contorts of Chairman Paulo' and nicknamed 'The Little Zed Book'

Dec 12, 2014 at 9:02 PM | Registered CommenterPharos

The RS is a showcase of the red tick infiltrating then completely corrupting an organisation.

The solution is NOT to "engage", "dialogue" etc.

The solution is to TEAR DOWN the red termite hill, disinfect, sell the building publications, then start something new with some values , principles, morals, ethics.

Dec 14, 2014 at 9:08 PM | Unregistered Commenterptw

PTW: the trouble is, the red tick is a pernicious little beggar. You might set up a totally altruistic organisation that is of genuine benefit to humanity and the world, and establish a constitution that is rock solid and (in yours and everyone else’s) eyes impervious to corruption, but, in a few, all too brief years, the red tick will have burrowed its way deep into the heart, and will be converting all the good will to vile bile.

The only solution I can see is to keep on exposing this tick to the sunlight of public view. Spread the knowledge of the Frankfurt School; make as many as you can contact be aware of the thoughts of Gramsci, Horkheimer, Marcuse, Fromm and Neumann, and their utterly evil ethos of control of every individual to their twisted dictat by the very destruction of human society and mores, and the demolition of the bedrock of humanity: the family unit.

Dec 15, 2014 at 12:10 AM | Registered CommenterRadical Rodent

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