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Diggers wanted

There has been some interest expressed in the idea of doing some more digging into the extent of green propaganda in schools. If anyone wants to get involved please could they drop me a line.

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Reader Comments (56)


If you don't want to be identified, do you have an email address you can use that will not reveal your identity?

Apr 12, 2010 at 8:31 PM | Registered CommenterBishop Hill

April 9, 2010 | confused

Don't throw the babes out with the bathwater.

The trouble is that it has been blended into a nice thick soup. (sorry for the imagery folks)

I know it is much overdone in some quarters but UN Agenda 21 seems to be the source template for the green indoctrination process. If you can't obtain what you want at the ballot box there are always other options... young pliable minds an' all that.

Apr 13, 2010 at 7:57 AM | Unregistered Commenter3x2

I was bad enough to embarass my son at school last year by correcting the errors on his environmental handout (most important greenhouse gas is CO2, water vapour mentioned as an also ran only, the text suggested the atmosphere contained more CO2 than water vapour).

Have since had a chat with this year's teacher - in the middle of the cold spell - who confided that she had no real knowledge on the climate and simply taught (unchecked) what was in the curriculum. She was very interested when I told her about all the shenanigans with the IPCC etc but as a very young teacher in an uncertain employment era will not rock the boat on this and I don't blame her for that.

I was more upset about the January assembly, when in the middle of the worst weather, with unpassable roads and the council out of anything to grit with, the HEADTEACHER stood in front of the kids and said:

-the cold spell does not mean global warming is over because
-global warming is to blame for the cold spell because of
-sth or other in the Arctic (I guess she meant the stubborn area of high pressure blocking our normal winter weather, my son was a little hazy on this)
-and the poor polar bear mamas were drowning right now with their cubs because there was no ice!

Nonetheless, if you had seen the outraged look on my Primary 7 kid, like me, you'd have taken comfort in knowing that he is a skeptic already.

Btw on the question of undermining the authority of the teacher by contradicting what is taught at school, I have three rules
- if there are discipline problems, leave it for later;
- if the child is too young to understand what it means to respectfully disagree, ditto;
- if your child can't handle holding opposing views from classmates, again, leave it for later.

I handle my P3 kid (age 7) on a case by case basis while I answer any question by my P7 kid (age 12) honestly and to my best knowledge, regardless of school teaching. However, if he gets in trouble because he forgets to be respectful, I stand behind the teacher.

I'll let you know if I can find that handout again, there might be a slim chance because he got a new one - without corrections - from the teacher...

Apr 13, 2010 at 11:29 PM | Unregistered CommenterMae

Hallo, Lord Beaverbrook and P. Rogan. The Diggers emailed you to see if you still wanted to help on the schools propaganda review, but have had no reply - just wondered if it went into your spam bin? Could you let us know either way, thanks a lot.

Apr 14, 2010 at 9:15 AM | Unregistered CommenterMessenger

Hmm there is plenty of junk taught in schools, the inaccurate/oversimplified eco stuff is no different to much of the misinformation peddled in school.

Not much we can do when children are taught by people trained only to deliver curricula. Teachers who actualy think keep that fact fairly quiet, or leave the profession. There are some exceptions of course.

The solution, learn and teach the philosophy of Karl Popper and let children stay in the real world where they can really learn; from the world, from the internet, from books, and most importantly from people who actually know stuff and from people who know "what they don't know".

If you need to use schools, treat them as childcare, do not expect too much education. You could use them to help children learn how to resist propoganda and to deal with authortiarian regimes. I'm not joking, these are important skills and with the right support children can learn them at school, even if they are not on the curriculum.

Sorry to go on but if you suceed in making a fuss about this it's just the tip of the iceberg in miseducation.

I would offer to help, I work in a school, but I'd go bonkers if I started to document the claptrap that get's taught. It's all well intended that'spart of the problem. Encourage children to find their own education, it's easier than forcing education of any sort on them and much more effective.

Apr 14, 2010 at 9:28 PM | Unregistered Commenterelizabeth


Perhaps not quoted would be better wording! Email now filled in.


Apr 15, 2010 at 10:25 AM | Unregistered CommenterInkerman

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