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Discussion > Philippe Verdier "Climat Investigation"

Philippe Verdier, former weather head of France 2 (TV chain) was fired for publishing his book "Climat Investigation". He has made it clear that he is not a "climato-sceptique" (interview and report in French) He thinks that global warming is real and mankind is its cause.

What has got his goat above all seems to have been:

- The corrupt operation of the IPCC

- French government and media pressure to present climate change as unmitigated disaster in the run-up to COP21.

He is clearly unconvinced by many of the pronouncements of 'climate science'. For example two of his fifty "Climat Investigation Alerts" are:

CI Alert #8. Previous IPCC predictions for France turned out to be wrong.

CI Alert #10. No reliable prediction can be made for the climate of France and of Europe from 2016 to 2050

He seems to think that population growth is a cause of global warming but that this is a taboo subject for the IPCC:.

CI Alert #15. "The Global Population Explosion is the Cause of Global Warming". This taboo report of the IPCC will be suppressed for the Paris conference.

My French translation speed is glacially slow but I may post some more of his ""Climat Investigation Alerts" when I get the time.

Nov 8, 2015 at 12:20 PM | Registered CommenterMartin A

Here is my attempt at translation of the blurb on the back cover of Philippe Verdier's book. The French text follows below.

The Underside of a Global Scandal

Climate today is a religious war. Any opinion contrary to the concensus will be suppressed. Whose voice will break the silence to expose the truth to the summit in Paris?

Today, no relation exists between the climate and alarmist talk on the subject. The French are kept in fear by an unprecedented level of misinformation. This hostage taking is a diplomatic issue for the Paris Conference. At the highest levels of the nation, the failure of COP21 has been foreseen for a long time but the manipulation and overstatement continue to get worse.

The IPCC, highly politicized, is falling apart amid scandals and its dubious processes. Scientific debate is unheard. The United Nations has willingly wallowed in corruption for a generation of negotiations. Economic lobbyists, ecological associations, governments and religions form dangerous relationships. The ambassadors of climate keep this intangible crisis burning.

But France is among the countries least affected countries by climate change. Our economy and society benefit significantly from the advantages of warming. The development of renewable energy threatens our security and in no way compensates for the population explosion, identified as a principle causes of the problem.

Who will dare to break these taboos despite the extreme pressures of the rulers?

Transcribed text:

Les dessous d'un scandale planetaire

Le climat est aujourd'hui une guerre, une religion. Tout avis contraire sera éliminé. Quelle voix s'elevera pour rompre le silence pour faire éclater la vérité avant le sommet de Paris?

Il n'existe aujourd'hui plus de lien entre le climat et le discours alarmiste sur ce subjet. Les Français sont maintenus dans la peur par un matraquage sans précédant.

Il n'existe aujourd'hui plus de lien entre le climat et le discours alarmiste sur ce subjet. Les Français sont maintenus dans la peur par un matraquage sans précédant. Cette prise d'otages constitue un enjeu diplomatique pour le Conference de Paris. Au plus haut sommet de l'Etat, l'echec de la COP21 est diagnostiqué depuis longtemps mais la manipulation et le spectacle s'amplifient davantage.

The giec, ultra politisé, se délite sous les scandales et ses méthodes critiquables. La parole scientifique est inaudible. Les Nations Unies plongées dans la corruption pataugent volontairement depuis une génération de pour parleurs. Lobbies économiques, associations écologiques, gouvernements et religions tissent des liens dangereux. Les ambassadeurs du climat entretiennent cette crise aussi brûlante que impalpable.

La France figure pourtant parmi les pays les moins touchés par le changement climatique. Notre économie et notre société bénéficient aussi des avantages considérable du réchauffement. Le développement des énergies renouvelables menace notre sécurité et ne compensera aucunement l'explosion démographique identifiée comme un cause principle du problème.

Qui osera briser ces tabous sous la pression extrême des dirigeantes?

Nov 8, 2015 at 6:31 PM | Registered CommenterMartin A