Duarté on Verheggen et al.
Jan 15, 2015
Bishop Hill in Climate: other

Jose Duarté has had a comment published on Bart Verheggen's survey of climate scientists. I discussed this at BH last summer.

It's fair to say that Jose is not terribly impressed and his comment makes very amusing reading. Describing the process taken by Verheggen et al to arrive at the list of authors they survey (who very often turn out not to be climate scientists at all), he notes that those remaining after the whittling down process includes a paper entitled:

Urban bicyclists spatial analysis of adult and youth traffic hazard intensity

and another entitled

Attitudes of Scottish city inhabitants to ceteacean conservation.

Jose says that "The paper should be withdrawn and the correct figures reported when available".

Ouch. Read the comment here.


Update on Jan 15, 2015 by Registered CommenterBishop Hill

Verheggen et al have a response to Duarte here.

Article originally appeared on (http://www.bishop-hill.net/).
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