Inhumanity again
Jun 23, 2014
Bishop Hill in Greens

A Madagasy student named Navid Rakotofala has had a great deal of fun inventing outrageous anti-GMO posters and watching environmentalists uncritically reproduce them, regardless of how inhuman and unfeeling the thoughts expressed. Here's an example of his work:

I particularly enjoyed the "Monsanto kills and eats baby lemurs for PROFIT!!! one too"

The backlash from the activists has been entirely predictable:

What happened when Navid revealed the hoax–confessing who he was, what he had done and why? The fallout from his trickery has intense. After Navid asked March Against Monsanto activists to stop their anti-science propaganda approach, the very first response was a diatribe from a prominent activist in Amsterdam who threatened the young Malagasy boy, writing he was now “forced” to launch an investigation into the funding of Navid’s school system. Navid, he wrote, had served a dis-justice [to himself] but also [to his] community. I for one take this personally as I am sure others will. He said was going to try to get Navid’s and the school’s funding revoked.

Perhaps this European MAM activist was unaware of the school-funding crisis in Madagascar and how callous his threat was. Perhaps he is unaware of the complex socio-dynamics of a white man threatening a young Malagasy student. Regardless, Navid is now safely with his family in the remote and impoverished southwestern bush. I need only hint at the blinding irony of a MAM organizer claiming that someone else’s activism is too personal! Look in the mirror much?

I was given a bit of stick by a few people the other day, when I suggested that the behaviour of greens could be inhuman. I'm not sure I was wrong though.

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