AGU prioritises the unethical over the critical
Apr 13, 2014
Bishop Hill in Climate: Sceptics, Greens

Amy Ridenour of the National Center for Public Policy Research in Washington DC has discovered what many have known for a long time, namely that the American Geophysical Union is a grossly politicised body that will tolerate no criticism of the global warming orthodoxy.

Her discovery came about after reading a post by weatherman Dan Satterfield on his AGU blog. This cited approvingly the these-people-must-never-work-again blacklist "study" of Anderegg et al. Ms Ridenour was surprised to find that to leave a comment linking to Roger Pilke Sr's critique of that paper was considered unacceptable conduct, but Mr Satterfield helpfully emailed to explain why he had done this:

I do not publish links to junk science papers/sites. This is not a platform for you to publicize junk science.

So there you have it. In the AGU's world the unadulterated unethical woo of an obscure postdoc is OK, but linking to the comments of a much-published climatologist is not.

Doesn't that just tell you everything you need to know about the AGU?


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