SciTech committee looks at public attitudes
Feb 28, 2013
Bishop Hill in Climate: Parliament

The House of Commons Science and Technology Committee has just launched a new inquiry:

In July 2011, the Foresight programme’s report into the International Dimensions of Climate Change stated:

Recent polling suggests that scepticism about climate change has increased, alongside diminished concern for its effects. In 2006, 81% of surveyed UK citizens were fairly or very concerns about climate change compared with 76% in 2009 in an identical tracking survey.

Foresight cautions that “should scepticism continue to increase, democratic governments are likely to find it harder to convince voters to support costly environmental policies aimed at mitigation of, or adaptation to, climate change.”

The Science and Technology Select Committee considered issues of public trust and risk communication in its report “Devil’s bargain? Energy risks and the public” earlier this year. The Committee concluded that “more could be done to improve risk communication of scientific matters in the media”.

The Committee has agreed to hold an inquiry into what the public understand about climate, where people look for their information and how that may impact climate change policy and seeks written submissions on the following matters:

Details on how to submit evidence here.

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