Keenan on climate statistics
Apr 4, 2011
Bishop Hill in Climate: Sceptics, Climate: Statistics, Climate: Surface

Doug Keenan has just scored something of a coup by getting an article about statistical significance in temperature records published in the Wall Street Journal. It's a wonderful piece of popular science writing, explaining complex scientific concepts in clear simple English.

For years, some researchers have argued that the evidence for global warming is not nearly as strong as has been officially claimed. The details of the arguments are often technical. As a result, policy makers and other people outside the debate have relied on the pronouncements of a group of climate scientists. I think that is unnecessary. I believe that what is arguably the most important reason to doubt global warming can be explained in terms that most people can understand.

Read the whole thing.

Update on Apr 4, 2011 by Registered CommenterBishop Hill

Doug tells me that if you Google it you should get free access - Google has an agreement with WSJ. I can't therefore provide a direct link. Try clicking here and following the link to Doug's article.

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